Friday, February 27, 2009

A Glorious Opportunity

Bishop Richard Williamson can still draw good from evil by not just accepting what happened - but why it happened. Evil actions are first the result of premeditation. The Shoah was the result of decades (even centuries) of spiritual rot that accelerated with the rise of social Darwinism. Darwin himself would have been horrified, yet the fact remains that this paradigm shift allowed the opening for the rise of a eugenicist movement that culminated in Jews being deemed sub-human, worthy of extermination. 

As Pope Benedict has written, though the SS was a movement of atheists (and occultists), the sad fact remains that most of them were also baptized (be they protestant or Catholic). This certainly provides an opportunity to explore the reasons for this apostasy (the paganizing Renaissance, the Reformation, the French Revolution and the rise of a virulent atheism and anti-Christianism). 

Bishop Williamson could also develop the links between various forces of totalitarianism - Nazi, Soviet and the contemporary phenomena of the dictatorship of relativism. He could touch on the rise of "mercy killing" and compare it to the extermination of 70,000 physically and mentally handicapped Germans by the Nazi regime prior to the commencement of the War. 

He could explore the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which partitioned Poland and paved the way for the extermination of Jews. He could explore the facts behind Nazis training in Soviet Russia prior to the war; he could explore the NKVD and its leading "lights" and how they inspired the SS. For example he could reflect on the similarities between psychopaths such as Himmler of the SS and Beria of the NKVD. He could discuss Katyn and how this atrocious act set the precedent for similar Nazi exterminations in the east. In all of this he could point out how the Soviets led and the Nazis followed. He could also discuss the terrible silence of western collaboration (through denial and silence) with the Soviets. 

He could also explore the various other genocidal acts that took place and are so sadly forgotten and even denied: the Armenian Holocaust, the Holodomor, the Gulag (Leninist and Stalinist) Cambodia, the Cultural Revolution, the Tibetan Annexation, the Palestinian Refugee Crisis, the Rwandan, Chechen and Sudanese Genocides - as well as, what can only be regarded as a new Holocaust: the Chaldean Holocaust (where, since 2003 the  vast majority of Chaldeans have been exterminated, forcibly "converted" to Mohomedanism, or - if lucky - have fled the country). On this issue, as with so many others there is a deathly silence. Finally, he could conclude with the "Silent Scream" of millions of souls lost through the unspeakable crime of abortion. 
He could draw his final conclusion: this is not because of religion, it is because of lack of religion. It is because mankind refuses to bend the knee to the Prince of Peace, to realize that true peace is the tranquility of order - the order of Christ. 

What a glorious opportunity with the world watching! What a defeat for the secular press which despises Christ and His Church.  What a defeat for satan. 


Friday, February 6, 2009

Reflections on Anti-Catholic Hatred following the Lifting of the Excommunications

God bless Pope Benedict for lifting the excommunications. God bless him also for refusing to cave in under extraordinary media pressure which sought to reverse this action. Yet this only underscores two points: 1) total ignorance of Church law, and more importantly: 2) the anti-Catholic nature of the anti-papal attacks. The Pope can no more re-excommunicate Bishop Williamson for his private opinion than he can "re-incommunicate" him if he re-examines the historical evidence. Will the media be now calling for the excommunication of Armenian and Ukrainian Holocaust deniers/negationists etc.? And let us not forget, this latter group contains legions of followers. 

With reference to Bishop Williamson, it is curious that the "freedom of speech" crowd (as no doubt they would be very proud of calling themselves) is denying the bishop his "freedom". Is one only free to express (indeed regurgitate) only what has been decreed permissible by powerful international forces - such as the "media"?

Nonetheless, God is drawing good out of evil, as 40 years of Vatican II "ecumenism" and "dialogue" has been exposed as a fraud. "Ecumenism" and "dialogue" have now been seen for what they are  conformity of the Church to the world and false religions - and not the conversion of , for example Jews to the one, true Faith. 

Alas, vitriolic Zionist hatred of the Catholic Church has been exposed. A search of the internet makes this very clear. Following closely - yet more insidiously - is the hatred of Catholic Tradition (in reality, Catholic Truth) by numerous materially heretical so-called Catholics who are raging against the lifting of the excommunications (many behind the facade of opposition to Bishop Williamson; as if his private opinions have any reflection on doctrine). 

Quite enlightening is the warped, unhinged approach of numerous nominal "Catholics" who wish Bishop Williamson be thrown out of the Church, yet cannot seem to raise themselves to call for the expulsion of priests and bishops who are teaching heresy. Surely denying the Divinity of Christ is infinitely worse than denying the Shoah? Surely rejecting Humanae Vitae is likewise infinitely worse - just look at the number of deaths by comparison! 

It is now imperative that indeed a true dialogue (St. Thomas More defined dialogue as "two friends who swear to each other to yield to the light and only the light") commence on the various questionable aspects of Vatican II. It should be re-emphasized that this Council was pastoral, that acceptance of a number of highly questionable doctrines be re-examined for the greater good of the entire Church. 

May God bless Pope Benedict. May God bless Bishop Fellay. And yes, may God bless Bishop Williamson, as well as those who hate the Catholic Church. May they, as Christ wishes be brought to the fullness of Catholic Truth.